Thursday, December 15, 2011

Last weekend of BRIDGE (two more shows) Losing Weight - sometimes it comes with the territory.

As the weekend approaches, I am already starting to feel a bit melancholy about Saturday night. It will be the last time I go through my pre-show ritual and transformation into Niki or Woman (as she is named in the play.)

When I first audition for the part, I showed up as myself, the actor impersonating a transvestite. I had never before made an attempt to do a full on transformation. For starters, I had always thought I made a very ugly woman, so I wasn't going to start now that I had this audition. I thought, if they like my work, they'll probably have makeup people who will guide me through the transformation. I couldn't have been more wrong. This was a small production. I was on my own.

So after my audition, the director, Kelly Galindo, asked if I owned a dress, wig and high-heels. I told her I didn't. She said, "Well, we really liked your audition, but this is a transvestite. She's got flawless makeup, hair, the legs -- she is the real deal. We need to know that you can pull it off." My brain rushed with endorphins as I felt I had to seize the opportunity. This was a very unique and exciting challenge. So I said to her, "No worries. I will be in full drag for the callback," which was only a few days after.

So as soon as I got home, I went on youtube, just to have an idea of what I was supposed to do. As it turns out, everything I needed to know was there. I mean everything, from makeup to hiding my manly parts, which I won't go into details right now I promise.

So I was on a mission for the next few days. I acquired some makeup from the 99C store, went to a thrift shop to look for shoes and a dress, bought a wig and then started to play with the transformation. The eyebrows were the trickiest, but once I figured it out, Woman started to come a live.

It was a very interesting experience. I was able to appreciate why this sort of thing is an art form and why the guys who do it are real artists and sometimes geniuses.

So I went down my check list, (makeup?! - check!) I wasn't an ugly woman. I actually looked like a decent looking drag queen. Then I put on the dress ... (dress?! - check!), a bit muscular, but can be fixed. Then I put on the high heels ... (legs?! - check!) those high heels basically started walking by themselves. All those years of professional dancing came in handy.

picture on the left by Miguel Torres
Even though I am not a big guy per say, you'll be surprise how many muscles show up when you're wearing a dress. I looked pretty buffed to be wearing a revealing gown, so I decided I had to get a scarf and lose some weight.

In the pictures on the left, you can see what I looked like before and after joining the show. I lost ten pounds to fit in that dress. I was 170lbs before joining the cast and I am 159lbs currently.

I guess I'm looking forward to the gluttony and decadence of the holidays, and also getting back to the gym and working out like a "man". I'll still miss Niki terribly though. Like I said before, I have fallen in love with her. WOMAN has been quite the dame.

Only two shows left (this Friday and Saturday) Dec 16 and 17.
Remember to use the discount code (205) to get $5 off each ticket.

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.


krista said...

i am so so sad i'm going to miss this show. i was really trying to make it happen. but nursing a newborn makes it kinda difficult to take a night out right now.
i'm so proud of you!

Verité Films said...

Guess what ... I just learned tonight that the show is being extended two more weekends in January. Maybe you can make it then. I'll keep you posted.
All the best to you and your beautiful family this holiday season and great success and health in 2012.